How Many Google Reviews Do I Need to Succeed?

google reviews

Google reviews are an essential factor in a business’s reputation. They can impact a customer’s decision to do business with a company.

According to a study, businesses with an average rating of 4 stars or higher and at least 40 reviews are more likely to be trusted by consumers. 

But, having more positive reviews can help build a reputable image for your business. This article covers all the information you need to determine how many Google reviews are necessary for your business. 

How Many Reviews On Google Should I have For a Great Online Reputation?

No exact number of Google reviews is considered “good” because it depends on several factors. Those include the size of your business, your industry, and your competition. 

Yet, having more positive reviews can help build a reputable image for your business.

The number of reviews and ratings needed to build trust varies by industry. For example, a restaurant may need more reviews than a plumber to establish a reputable image. 

Additionally, it’s essential to focus on the quality and authenticity of your reviews rather than the quantity.

Number of Reviews By Product Or Service

A study conducted by Northwestern University’s Spiegel Digital established provides valuable information. 

The study found that the number of reviews required for a product or service to be reliable and credible depends on the price.

For products or services under $100, the study found that between 6 and 10 reviews were enough for customers to consider the product reliable. 

For products or services over $100, the study found that customers preferred seeing at least 10 reviews to consider the product trustworthy.

The study also found that customers are likelier to trust products or services with a high average rating. This is even if the number of reviews is lower than the threshold. 

For example, a product with only five reviews but an average rating of 4.5 stars may be more reliable than a product with 10 reviews and an average rating of 3.5 stars.

The study suggests that having enough reviews and a high average rating is essential for building customer trust. It is even more true for products or services with higher price points.

How Many Reviews Do Customers Generally Read Before Deciding?

Studies suggest that customers generally read between 6 and 10 reviews before purchasing. 91% of customers search for online reviews when buying from local businesses. Also, consumers read an average of 10 reviews before trusting a company.

The number of reviews customers read before deciding can vary depending on several factors. For example, the type of product or service offered, the customer’s level of familiarity with the business and the customer’s level of trust in online reviews.

A customer familiar with a business or who has received a recommendation from a friend may be more likely to buy based on fewer reviews. 

On the other hand, a customer unfamiliar with a business or considering a high-priced or high-risk purchase may need to read more reviews before deciding.

Customers generally read between 6 and 10 reviews before making a purchasing decision. But the number of reviews a customer needs to read may vary depending on the above factors. 

How Many Reviews Do You Need For Google Rating?

Google uses a complex algorithm to calculate star ratings for businesses based on various factors. This includes the number of reviews and the average rating of those reviews. 

A Google star rating requires no fixed number of reviews, as the algorithm considers many factors to determine the rating.

Google says, “your rating will appear once you have at least 5 reviews.” Thus, businesses need at least 5 reviews before a star rating appears on their Google My Business listing.

The overall star rating is one of many factors potential customers consider when evaluating a business. They also consider the quality and content of the reviews. Furthermore, the recency of the reviews and how the company responds to reviews are considered. 

If you need help getting reviews and improving the quality of the reviews you get, Reviewagency can assist you. 

What Is A Good Average Star Rating On Google?

A good star rating on Google can vary depending on the industry, competition, and customer expectations. But, generally speaking, a star rating of 4 or higher is considered good on Google.

According to a study, 68% of consumers say they trust businesses more when they have positive reviews, and 57% will only use a company if it has 4 or more stars.

Can You Have Too Many Google Reviews?

There is no such concept as having “too many” Google reviews, as long as they are genuine and authentic. 

Yet, businesses should focus on generating authentic reviews. Those should come from genuine customers, rather than soliciting or buying fake reviews. Google’s review policy prohibits posting fake or incentivized reviews. 

Besides, the platform has strict guidelines for businesses that engage in this behavior.

Is It Good To Have Only Positive Reviews?

Having many reviews does not guarantee success or customer satisfaction. For example, suppose a business has only positive reviews and no negative or neutral reviews. In that case, it could raise suspicion among potential customers.

This is because it’s improbable that every single customer had an exceptional experience with the business. Also, 30% of consumers suspect censorship or fake reviews when they don’t see any negative reviews. 

Having a mix of positive, negative, and neutral reviews can increase the credibility of a business’s reviews. 

Businesses should respond courteously to all reviews, including negative ones. This shows that the company values customer feedback and is committed to addressing concerns or issues.

What Is a Great Average Google Review Score?

The average Google review score can vary depending on the industry, location, and other factors. But, an excellent average Google review score across all sectors is 4.4 out of 5 stars.

It’s important to note that the average review score can differ by industry. For example, industries with high customer satisfaction rates, such as hospitality or healthcare, may have higher average review scores.

In contrast, industries with lower customer satisfaction rates may have lower average review scores. For example, retail or telecommunications can have lower scores than the average. 

Additionally, the average review score can vary by location. Businesses in certain regions may have different customer expectations or cultural preferences.

What To Do About Negative Reviews?

Negative reviews can be frustrating for business owners. But, at the same time, negative reviews can also provide valuable feedback and an opportunity to improve. 

Here are some steps businesses can take when they receive a negative review:

Respond promptly

It’s vital to respond to negative reviews. This shows the business values customer feedback and is committed to addressing issues or concerns.

Apologize and take Responsibility

Even if the negative review is unjustified or inaccurate, apologizing is important. Always take responsibility for the customer’s experience. This attitude can help to defuse the situation and show that the business wants to make things right.

Offer a solution

Depending on the nature of the negative review, offering a solution or remedy to the customer’s issue may be appropriate. This can show that the business cares about customer satisfaction and can help turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Don’t argue or make excuses

It’s essential to remain professional and courteous when responding to negative reviews. Avoid arguing or making excuses, as this can escalate the situation and damage the business’s reputation.

Learn from the feedback

Negative reviews can provide valuable feedback and an opportunity to improve. So, businesses should take the input and use it to identify areas for improvement in their products or services.

Responding to negative reviews and offering a solution, if appropriate, is a good practice. 

Learning from feedback can help businesses turn negative experiences into positive ones. In addition, if followed positively, it is good for building a solid customer reputation.

Do Google Reviews Get Posted Immediately?

Google reviews take time to get posted. 

Once a customer submits a review, Google’s automated spam detection systems will review the content. The purpose is to ensure it meets Google’s review policies and guidelines. This process usually takes a few days, but can sometimes take longer.

During this review process, the review may be marked as “Pending” or “Under review” and will not be visible to the public. But, once the review is approved by Google’s systems, it will be published on the business’s Google My Business page.

It’s important to note that Google also allows businesses to flag and report reviews that violate their policies or guidelines. This includes reviews that contain spam, hate speech, or personal information. 

In these cases, the review may be removed or marked as inappropriate by Google. The review process helps ensure that reviews are authentic and trustworthy. They must follow Google’s policies and guidelines.

Contact Review agency to know more about getting valuable reviews. 

Can I Buy Google Reviews?

Buying Google reviews is not a legitimate or ethical practice. 

In fact, buying or soliciting fake reviews is against Google’s policies. Moreover, it can result in severe consequences. Those include removing the business’s reviews and suspending or terminating the business’s Google My Business account. In worse cases, even legal action.

Instead of buying reviews, businesses should focus on providing excellent products or services. Then, they should deliver exceptional customer service. After that, a company can encourage customers to leave honest, positive reviews. 

Additionally, businesses can use legitimate strategies to encourage customers to leave reviews. For example, providing an exceptional customer experience and following up with customers after a sale. Companies can offer incentives or rewards for leaving a review. 

But, businesses should never offer incentives or rewards in exchange for a positive review. This practice can also violate Google’s policies and undermine the credibility of the review system.


The number of reviews needed to make a business reputable can vary, but having at least 40 reviews is a good starting point.

A high rating and recent positive reviews can help build a strong reputation.

Negative reviews can be an opportunity to improve and show customers that the business values their feedback. It can also demonstrate the commitment to customer satisfaction.

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